Why Do Father Dogs Growl at Their Puppies?

The father- child relationship between male dogs and puppies is often confusing. Sometimes it’s even thought that the father dog cannot recognize his puppies. The father dogs tend to sometimes play with the puppies and contradictorily be distant from them too.

Well, the relationship of father-child varies from dog to dog. Different male dogs behave differently with their puppies.

But the growling is somewhat seen in almost every father dog. Some dog owners get concerned once they see their male dog growling at its puppies. Let’s figure out why do father dogs growl at their puppies.

Why Do Father Dogs Growl at Their Puppies?

Why Do Father Dogs Growl at Their Puppies

The most common reason why father dogs growl at their puppies is to teach them manners and etiquette. Growling is a very natural way of communication between dogs.

When puppies start to learn stuff, it’s very normal that they would act rudely and mannerlessly. This rudeness is often observed by adult dogs. And when father dogs observe the rude acts of the puppies, they come forward.

After that, they start to growl at their puppies and takes an attempt to teach them how to respect and act properly.

What Should I Do When the Father Dog Growls at Its Puppy?

You now know that growls are mostly a form of communication. So you should also understand that it’s perfectly fine when a father dog growls at its puppy. Hence when you witness that the growling is not aggressive and injurious towards the puppies, you should let the father dog be elderly with his puppies.

Do not punish the father dogs verbally or physically when they growl at their puppies. As the act comes out of an elderly instinct so it is better to let them be.

However, you should not leave the puppies and the father dogs alone when father dogs growl at their puppies. Human supervision is very important when father dogs growl at their puppies. It helps to keep the puppies and the father dog safe.

Moreover, these “tend to teach” growls might get serious anytime, so it is important that you keep an eye not the father dog and the puppies.

When to Interfere between Growling Father Dogs and Their Puppies?

It is very important to restrict the father dogs to growl at their puppies when the growling becomes aggressive and close to injurious.

Father dogs do not always growls at their puppies out of concern or to teach. For many reasons, father dogs tend to growl at their puppies, which can be aggressive as well.

At that moment, the father can start being overexcited and physical, for instance growling loudly or making an attempt to bite the puppies. Then it is very important that you interfere between the growling father dog and its puppies.

Remember, you need to be very calm while you separate the growling father from the puppies. Try to do it as smoothly as you can.

Ways to Know That a Father Dog’s Growl Is Aggressive

To know when to interfere, you need to look for some traits that say the father dogs are growling aggressively at their puppies. The traits and movements of the dogs give clear hints when they get aggressive.

Through some common acts, you can be sure that the father dog is aggressively growling at its puppies.

Snapping: If you notice that the father dog is snapping or snarling, you should take a hint that the father dog has become aggressive. This might come as a threat that it could bite the puppies.

Loud growls: Normally, when the father dogs growl at their puppies to teach them manners they growl at them calmly. You will see no visible tension in their sound or movement. But an aggressive father dog will growl very loudly.

Raised hackles: The body movement and posture is another ideal way by which you can take a hint that the father dog is aggressive. If you notice that the father dog has raised hackles while growling at the puppies, you should understand it’s time to interfere between them, but calmly.

Does a Father Dog Growl at Their Puppies Out of Jealousy?

Well, jealousy can be a reason for father dogs to growl at their puppies. And growling out of jealousy would never sound the same as growling to teach.

You know how much attention dogs crave from their owners. So when new members, the puppies, come in between the male dogs and the owner, they get jealous. They start to become anxious and frustrated.

This anxiety and frustration of being jealous make the father dog feel aggressive towards its puppies. They try to get the entire attention from you.

If you notice that your dog is trying to guard your lap and growling at the puppies, you should be sure that it’s nothing but jealousy.

However, it gets better with time if you help the father dog feel safe and secure with you and the puppies.

How to Calm Father Dogs from Growling Aggressively at Their Puppies?

The first step you should take to calm down a father dog from growling aggressively at its puppies is by removing them from the spot. You should take the puppies or the father dog away.

Try to call the father dog in another room or distract them with something that reduces their stress. If they seem to be in your control then try to pat them, adore them and assure them that they are safe.

It’s never a good thing for dogs to reach their tolerance threshold. So supervise and remove them from the situation as soon as you notice that they are getting aggressive.

A lot of attention can help them feel secure. Moreover, lots of exercise and guidance can help them calm down and feel relaxed.

Help them socialize more with puppies and other humans under your supervision in order to help them be relaxed.


So the growling is mainly a form of dog communication and governance with the puppies. However, as the growls can become threatening, you should be conscious and careful.

I hope this article has answered your question- “Why do father dogs growl at their puppies.” Besides the other associated information will help you handle the situation well.

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