Why Do Dogs Walk In Circles Before They Die?

When it’s the time nearing the end, dogs walk in circles. Well, it’s a common observation of many dog owners. Walking in circles is one of the most common symptoms when dogs prepare to die.

But why do dogs walk in circles before they die?

Though there is no scientific theory to prove it, yet it’s a belief and it does happen. Some claim that dogs can sense when it’s time to end. However, walking in circles can also be a part of instinctive behavior, pain, anxiety, discomfort, etc.

Why Do Dogs Walk In Circles Before They Die?

Why Do Dogs Walk In Circles Before They Die

There is no doubt that dogs are highly intuitive creatures. Before dying, walking in circling is always a mystery. Many give different theories. But the most common reason is that it’s a vestigial behavior of wild ancestors.

Dogs in the forest or wild often walk in circles when they are sick or injured. Since there is no one to take care of them, they walk around to disorient predators before laying down. But it’s a wonder why pets do the same. It may be an ancestor trigger in the canine brain.

Therefore, if your dog walks in circles, it probably means that they need help and are feeling sick or injured. Immediately take your dog to the vet if you suspect they are sick or injured.

Reasons For Walking Dogs In Circles Before Dying

Dogs can walk in circles for various reasons. For example:

Instinctive Behavior

Natural habit is one of the most common reasons for circling. This is not a sign of dying at all. They also do this type of action when lying down to sleep. If your dog always circles before lying down, it will continue doing so out of habit, even when nearing the end of its life.

Dogs have a natural instinct to create a safe and comfortable space for resting. As they are near death, their pain, discomfort, and confusion make them do such activities. So, when a dog is nearing the end of its life, this deeply ingrained behavior might resurface as it tries to find a cozy spot to rest.

Confusion & Anxiety

As a dog’s health declines, its senses change.  Their body and brain stop functioning normally. This can lead to confusion and disorientation. The act of circling starts when the dog attempts to navigate its surroundings based on scent and touch, compensating for its altered sensory perceptions.

Physical Discomfort

Before dying, dogs feel discomfort, and restless, they struggle to lie down. Furthermore, if your dog ages, it often has physical ailments like arthritis, joint pain, or general discomfort. All these physical discomforts initiate them to circle before lying down in search of a position that minimizes their pain.

If dogs have heart diseases like congestive heart failure, it can lead to fluid in the lungs and they struggle to get oxygen. Circling could also help in stretching out their muscles, providing temporary relief.

Other Reasons For Walking Dogs In Circling

Death is not the only reason for circle walking. There are other reasons too. For example

Ear Infection

Dogs with floppy ears or those who spend a lot of time in water are more likely to develop ear infections. The infection can cause discomfort, pain, and inflammation within the ear canal. In some cases, the infection affects the dog’s balance due to its internal structure.

Dogs with ear infections experience vertigo-like symptoms because their inner ears are disrupted. This can cause a sensation of dizziness and loss of balance. It leads the dog to circle in an attempt to regain stability and alleviate discomfort.

The circling behavior could be the dog’s way of coping with the disorienting effects of the infection. If your dog has this infection, take it to a professional vet.

Canine Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome (CCD)

Canine Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome is often known as doggy dementia. As dogs age, their brain function can decline which leads to changes in behavior and cognition. This can include disorientation, confusion, and altered sleep patterns.

Dogs with CCD can walk in circles as a result of their reduced spatial awareness and memory difficulties. This behavior can be a manifestation of their struggle to find a familiar and comfortable resting spot. It also happens before their passing.


Dogs can suffer from strokes, which are disruptions in blood flow to the brain. Strokes cause sudden neurological deficits that increase difficulties with balance, coordination, and sensory perception.

If your dog experiences a stroke, it starts circling due to the resulting imbalance and disorientation. They walk to the left or right, depending on which part of the brain is working. However, strokes can damage brain cells and cause many other symptoms.

Vestibular Syndrome

Vestibular syndrome is a condition where dogs struggle with balance and spatial orientation. When they are aged, they might get the issue. The symptoms of the disease are severe dizziness, stumbling, and head tilting.

The loss of balance and disorientation can lead to circling behavior as the dog attempts to find stability and cope with their distorted sense of space. In the context of their approaching end of life, this syndrome can contribute to the circling behavior.

Note: If you notice any of these signs in your dog, you must consult the veterinarian immediately. With immediate action, there are better chances of a successful recovery.

What to Do If Your Dog Is Walking in Circles?

Dog’s walk in circles is alarming. It can be an indication of a serious condition. So here are some steps, you can take:

  • Pay close attention to your dog’s behavior. Try to under if their circling is for excitement or anything else. If there are any other accompanying symptoms such as head tilting, stumbling, or changes in behavior, then it can be a serious problem and you should contact a vet.
  • Circling can be a sign of various underlying health issues, such as strokes, vestibular syndrome, or ear infections. Schedule a visit to the veterinarian as soon as possible for a thorough examination to diagnose the root cause of the circling behavior.
  • Sometimes, dogs walk in circles to get your attention. Create a safe and comfortable resting area for your dog if there are no health concerns. Offer a soft bed or blanket to help them relax. Keep the environment calm and quiet to reduce stress.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How do you know when a dog is close to death?

When a dog is nearing the end of its life, you may observe several signs. Some dogs might withdraw and become more distant, while others seek more attention. Moreover, they may decrease internet in food, difficulty in moving, rapid breathing, and change in behavior.

What does it mean when an old dog walks around in circles?

When an old dog walks around in circles, it could indicate various health issues. It’s important to consult a veterinarian to determine the specific cause and receive appropriate guidance.


Several factors may contribute to dogs’ circling behavior before they die. It can be instinctual tendencies, sensory changes, physical discomfort, cognitive challenges, and lifelong routines.

So whether the reason is that you should take care of them properly to the end of their time.