Why are My Puppies Nails White?

What is your puppy’s nail color? You know, different puppies have different colored nails. Also, puppies nails can change color, have you noticed ever? Well, the change of color actually indicates puppies state of health.

If you have noticed the puppies nails turn white, you might wonder, “Why are my puppies nails white?”. Well, let me help you with the answer. In this article, I have added relevant information to help you take care of your puppies nails. So you must read till the end.

Why are My Puppies Nails White?

Why are My Puppies Nails White

The reason why your puppies nails are white might be because your puppies have a nail disorder. Your puppies might get this disorder due to allergies or nail trauma. Also, infections, malnutrition, etc can be reasons for white nails.

A Deeper Look into Puppies White Nails

The reasons that are mentioned above are the most common reasons that cause the white nails of puppies. This change in nail color is a concerning matter, so it is important to know deeper about the reasons.


Due to many kinds of allergies, puppies nails might turn white. For example, there is a type of allergy that is called food hypersensitivity. Many puppies struggle to digest different kinds of food. They go through an abnormality in this disease, and turning nails white is one of them.


Puppies are always very sensitive when it comes to germs and parasites. Bacteria, viruses, fungi, or parasites can cause infections that lead to white nails.


Feeding nutritious food to the puppies is one of the most important things. Along with helping to develop growth, nutrients help puppies to stay healthy. Due to a lack of nutrients, nails might turn white.

You can also check on their breeds because many breeds of dogs get white claws most often at puppy age.

Treatment of Puppies White Nails

The white nails of puppies clearly indicate abnormality and disease in the puppies’ bodies. It might indicate life-threatening diseases too. So it is important to treat them and give them medication as soon as possible.

To treat your little puppies the first thing you need to do is take them to the veterinarian. As there are many possibilities why their nails changed color, it is a must to take them to the experts and not try to treat them at home.

At the vet, your puppies will be tested thoroughly to find out what’s the reason behind the white nails. Then according to the reason, they would recommend treatment and medicines. You must take care of the puppies after getting them everything that is prescribed.

You must feed them the medicines that the expert suggests. Feed them according to their diet. Put ointment regularly on the affected nails, if suggested. Give it time and take care of them properly till they get fully recovered.

In many cases, the treatment or medication continues for a long time, so be patient and keep on helping them to heal.

Some Other Nail Disorders Symptoms in Puppies

Nails work wonderfully to give hints about what’s going on inside the body. Their appearance gives hints well. Along with white nails, there are many more symptoms that can tell you that your puppy has a nail disorder or other disease.

When your puppy chews or lick his nails or paw more than usual, then take it as a hint. This indicates that they have itchy nails which is a nail disorder symptom. Also, your puppy might have ingrown nails or broken nails.

You can also notice abnormal nail shapes, for instance, extended or taper nails. Bleeding or discharge of pus is a major symptom too. You can also observe their walking because puppies with nail disorders find it difficult to walk normally.

Among all of them, changing nail colors can be most confusing since nails don’t only change their color into white. It might also turn black or yellow.

However, none of the symptoms can be taken lightly. So right when you notice the symptom visit a veterinarian.

What is the Healthy Color of Puppies Nails?

By the way, do you know what is the healthy color of puppies nails? The healthy color of puppies nails is similar to their paw color. Yes, they match!

If your puppy’s paw color is black, then their nails will be black too. Likewise, if your puppy’s paw color is pink, their nails will be similarly colored too. Well, in the pink paw case, the nails’ color is not identically pink but is very light pink and transparent.

Now, as you have learned that black nails are a symptom of nail disorder so you might think all black nails are a symptom. Well, no. Only be concerned about the black nails of puppies when your puppies nails were of different colors.

Make sure you keep checking all of their nails regularly. Also, trim their nails routinely, it’s a very important part to keep their nails healthy. Also, because of this, you can keep the nails in check too.

Ways to Keep Puppies Nails Healthy

It’s always better to prevent than cure. So you should know most ways how you can keep your puppies nails healthy.

Firstly, nutrients are the main thing that will keep your puppies healthy and protected from all diseases and abnormalities. So, ensure a healthy and appropriate diet for your puppies. The food must be packed with all the necessary nutrients and should be of good quality.

You can feed them foods that contain biotin, which makes nails healthier. Turkey, blueberries, bananas, liver, etc are good resources for biotin. You can also keep fish oil in your puppies’ diet to keep their nails healthy.

Moreover, keep your puppies’ paws and nails clean. Make sure you clean them each time they come back home. Trim their nails regularly too.

Last, but not least, vets are always there. Ask for advices from the experts. Take your puppies for a check-up if anything catches your mind. Then you’re all good to go.


Puppies are sensitive creatures to deal with. So keeping an eye on them is a must. It’s a good thing that their nails can help us to know what’s going on.

I hope my answer to “Why are my puppies nails white?” helped you learn many things. Try to keep up with it and take care of your puppies nails as much as you can.

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