When Do Pug Puppies Calm Down?

Can you remember ONE pug puppy that did not keep moving unless it was asleep? Me neither! Pug puppies are always either super excited, confused, or in a hurry. But mostly, they are very happy.

Mostly pug puppy lovers are happy to see the puppies all excited. But if you are a new pug puppy owner, you might still wonder if they ever calm down, even a little bit.

Well, pug puppies do calm down after a certain period of time. Read this article to know when do pug puppies calm down and more about the “un calmed” stages of them.

When Do Pug Puppies Calm Down?

When Do Pug Puppies Calm Down

Pug puppies usually calm down between two to four years. But they can also calm down between six months to twelve months. The calming down process basically occurs when the puppies reach their maturity level.

You should stay patient with the puppies and wait for the time when they become mature enough and settles down.

Is It Unusual for Pug Puppies to be Hyper?

It is completely normal for pug puppies to be hyper. Hyperactivity is quite common for more or less all kinds of puppy breeds.

But if you want to compare, pug puppies get affected by hyperactivity more than any other breeds. The main reason for this is their excessive reactive behavior toward people as well as objects.

Pug puppies mostly become hyperactive when they feel playful or anxious. Well, don’t worry about anxiety as it’s quite natural.

They more often get separation anxiety. Pug puppies are very clingy with their favorite person. And it is quite common for pug puppies to get overly attached.

So, when their favorite person goes away, pug puppies be liable to get separation anxiety. Again, don’t worry, it’s normal and absolutely fine.

Regardless of their excess stress and anxiety, pug puppies are very energetic, happy, and playful and make good company.

Besides, like all puppies, pug puppies may become hyper during teething.

So, you don’t need to overthink their hyperactivity. Just keep enjoying their excitement and innocence till they calm down.

How to Calm Down Pug Puppies?

how to calm down a pug

For vulnerable pug puppies who get anxious more, you might need to calm them down instantly instead of waiting for years.

At first, observe the type of their hyperactivity and be sure about it. If they are happily hyperactive then let it flow. But if the puppies seem stressed or anxious then you can use a few steps to calm them down.

Firstly, keep a solid routine for your pug puppies. Keeping a solid routine can reduce the puppies’ anxiety which eventually helps them to behave consistently. You can put socializing into their daily routine.

As pug puppies are very energetic, helping them to use all their energies in a healthy way can also calm them down. Socializing with other dogs or other people and a walk in a park can be beneficial to help them use the extra energy and calm them down.

You can also distract them with various fun activities to keep them stress-free and calm them down. Games like puzzles with treats are a beneficial distraction.

What NOT to Do When Pug Puppies are Hyper?

First and foremost, you should never leave hyperactive pug puppies alone. I have already mentioned that pug puppies have separation anxiety. Also, they are companion dogs. So if you leave the pug puppies alone when they are already stressed or anxious, you will trigger the anxiety more.

Also, you should not leave injurious things around that can harm the puppies. Too much furniture or other objects can harm the puppies as the puppies become jumpier at that time.

Then again, do not force them with anything when they are hyperactive because it provokes them to bite you.

You should also remember that, at the time of puppies’ hyperactivity, they tend to crave relaxation, so do not scare them. Even playfully. If you scare your pug puppies when they are already stressed, they lose the feeling of reliability with you. It harms your bond with them as well.

Is It Safe to Leave Hyper Pug Puppies with their Mother?

Leaving hyper pug puppies with their mother depends on the age of the puppies and the mother’s maturity. Many mother pugs show behavioral changes after giving birth. Which sometimes makes them intolerant towards their babies.

Well, you might be able to understand how much difficult it can become even for you to handle more than two hyper pug puppies at a time. So for a new mother pug, it is tough as well.

That’s why it is recommended not to leave the mother pug and the pug puppies alone when the babies are going through hyperactivity. Make sure to keep the mother pug and the puppies safe the whole time when the puppies are being excessively energetic.

Sometimes, when pugs are small and the mother pug is healthy and energetic, the mother pug most likely can handle the puppies alone and keep the pug puppies relaxed.

But if you feel that the mother pug is tired then try to calm the pug puppies down by yourself. Remember to be gentle and serene when you are dealing with them.

How to Be a Good Companion When Pug Puppies are Hyper?

You might now be wondering, how can you be that one favorite person to your pug puppies when they are hyperactive. Well, remembering only a few things can make you their favorite at their hyperactive time.

Firstly, know them. It is important to know your pug puppies’ favorite items and their needs. Once you meet their needs they will choose you as a reliable support.

Secondly, be near them. Pug puppies hate separation. So when they’re trying to calm down, be close to them.

Then again, be affectionate towards them. You need to express your love as much as you can. Pug puppies are very intelligent when it comes to emotions, so be gentle and adore them when they are hyper.

Also, play with them. When you play with your pug puppies while they are super excited or hyperactive, you do two things at a time. First, you help them to get healthy distractions. And second, you become their favorite.


So if you can figure your pug puppies out and be patient with them when they go through hyperactivity, the hyperactive phase will not bother you that much.

Try to enjoy it yourself and let them enjoy the excitement freely too. Most importantly, for the whole two-four years of their hyperactive period, try to stay calm till they calm down.

I hope you got your answer to when do pug puppies calm down and more essential information about pug puppies and hyperactivity.

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