What Age Can Puppies Eat Scrambled Eggs for Having Proper Nutrition?

When choosing something great for a puppy’s regular diet, nothing is as good as adding eggs for them. Yet, eggs aren’t digested easily and sometimes may lead to indigestion. It happens if anyone gives the puppy a scrambled egg without knowing the age. So, at what age can puppies eat scrambled eggs?

Puppies can eat scrambled eggs when they’re entirely aged and have enough power to digest anything. The age around 8–10 weeks is probably the best time to start feeding the pups eggs scrambled. Avoid putting any seasoning, fat or spice on the cooked eggs.

Furthermore, learning the appropriate ways to cook scrambled eggs must also be a concern. Eggs can give the pups sufficient energy when appropriately cooked and fed with the right amount. Herein are all the topics related to dogs’ scrambled eggs that might work for you.

What Age Can Puppies Eat Scrambled Eggs?

What Age Can Puppies Eat Scrambled Eggs

Puppies are aged 8,10, and 14 weeks are allowed to eat egg scramble. But egg scramble’s cooking procedures differ from those of grown-up puppies. As they have a sensitive appetite, scrambling eggs with sauces, spices or even Bacon isn’t allowed.

Meanwhile, feeding the pups cooked eggs before 14 may cause them diarrhea and gastrointestinal complexities. These severe diseases can impact the puppy’s proper growing phase. A pet owner at least waits 14 weeks for their fur ball to introduce cooking eggs. You may start with full-boiled eggs. Put them into their midday meal or breakfast.

Puppies are more relaxed about eating raw eggs or half-boiling eggs also. Therefore, ensure you have not given them fully raw or half-scrambled eggs. Eggs are good for health, but a raw egg (white part) contains an avidin-enzyme that causes gastrointestinal complexes in dogs.

Again, remember that don’t give more than one egg per day. Because too much protein is also responsible for causing sudden stomach problems in puppies.

Your pups should intake only one egg per day without salt or butter. Make sure to give the whole or hard-boiled egg for the first time to make it habitat.

How Many Eggs Should a Pup Eat in A Day?

A 2–3-week puppy shouldn’t feed one large egg daily. In that case, it may not digest them. It would help if you fed the little fur balls only half the eggs to make their habitats. Feed one large boiled egg to the pups when I.” grows, and the age is around 4–5 weeks.

Besides, get informed to any nearest clinical vet to ensure you’ve given them the right amount of egg in the right direction. For help, take a guide from the below list.

Pups SizeSize of Eggs Per DayMaximum Eggs to Give Per Week
Pups age (3-4 weeks) up to 6 kg¼ inch of eggsnot more than ½-1 time per week
Age (5-6 weeks) up to 6-10 kg½ inch of eggsnot more than 1 time per week
Age (7-8 weeks) up to 11-25 kg1 inch of eggsnot more than 1–2 times per week
Age (9-10 weeks) up to 26-35 kg1 inch of eggsnot more than 2–3 times per week
Age (10-14 weeks) up to 35-37 kg1 inch of eggsnot more than 2–3 times per week

Is It Good to Provide Egg Yellow Yolk to Pups?

This is the most common dilemma among pet owners, like whether I should provide them with egg yolk. You should give them the whole egg if they’re mature enough to devour it.

Egg yolk is also essential for the pups to grow their health. It gives them sufficient energy from the vitamins and minerals of the yellow parts. Pups are usually fond of eating new items.

Putting yellow yolk is beneficial since it contains high-class protein and some crucial types of fatty acids. Both of these ingredients ensure more furs and blood in the body.

They help to build up robust immunity systems. Stop giving egg yolk daily. A litter of pups won’t be able to digest them. It’s because too much protein leads them to suffer from digestive problems. Therefore, be aware of it.

What Benefits Do Eggs Contain to Grow Puppies Health?

Puppies’ health gradually improves when you add eggs to their regular meal. They start to look healthier, cheerful, and energetic. Besides, your puppy gets some additional benefits by eating eggs. Herein the list of these ingredients includes:

1.      Protein

Eggs are the most significant source of protein for both humans and animals. Sometimes it is often known as a “novel protein.” Since puppies are not so strong from birth, they will get proper nutrition through eggs.

2.      Amino Acids

An essential ingredient a puppy gets from the egg is amino acids. Their body uses this unique ingredient to create protein, vital in growing, developing, and strengthening.

Amino acids can help the puppies to become more beneficial and healthier than other nutritious food, insists Dr. Megan Shepherd, a professional veterinary nutritionist at A Veterinary clinical nutrition institution.

3.      Vitamin A

Thirdly, eggs contain vitamin A, which helps the dog to develop in many ways. Vitamin A is called a lifesaver for other organs to let them function properly. It generally builds immunity, bone health, vision and other significant factors in puppies.

4.      Vitamin B, Biotin B12 and Folate

Without proper vitamin B supplements, the pups may face different kinds of difficulties in life. Even the pups may feel a lack of energy. Conversely, it assists the body in renewing and multiplying new DNA in cells by being the most efficient ingredient.

Vitamin B is good for improving the nervous system function in pups. It also helps to run red blood cell production systematically and works to create healthy fur, the skin of the puppies.

5.      Vitamin D

This is an essential ingredient of Eggs. Vitamin D is the super known element that supports bones and helps build up the joints, skeleton and others more robust.

6.       Iron

If the puppies are suffering from iron deficiency. Try to feed them eggs as much as possible. It is a great source that helps transport and store oxygen in the body.

7.      Selenium

Selenium is also an essential ingredient containing the most well-known omega-3 and omega-6. It helps to balance and maintain the good heart and health of the puppies.

Meanwhile, your puppy’s skin and fur become thicker and healthier than previously. Selenium is often found in the egg yolk, which significantly reduces inflammation.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How to Prepare an Egg to Give a Puppy?

To prepare an egg to give a puppy, boil them first. Pick a large egg and divide it into two portions. Squeeze the yellow parts from the boiled egg and mash the white one. Add the mashed eggs to the regular meal of your puppy.

Remember that if you put yellow parts in their meal, avoid the white parts. Don’t put a big size egg into the meal. Always balance the egg portion to prevent the pup’s digestion problem.

Are Scrambled Eggs Good for Puppies?

Yes, scrambled eggs are suitable for puppies. They’re good for the development of the pups’ health. But make sure not to add spice, oil, butter, or salt to the scrambled.

How Do I Give My 4-Month-Old Puppy Eggs?

4-month pups are more mature than 15-day puppies. At that point, it requires a good amount of food to digest regularly for proper development. Hard-boil the half portion of the egg or make a scramble. Then, add them to the regular meal of the pups.

How Much Egg Is Worthy to Give Pups Regularly?

You need to give one whole egg to a puppy. But wait to add them regularly. Instead of giving them regularly, follow a complete routine of giving eggs to the pups. Add eggs for 3 days or 2 days per month to balance their nutrition and reduce the chances of digestion or stomach upset.

Can A 3-Month-Old Puppy Allow to Eat Raw Eggs?

Neither 3-month-old pups nor adult dogs can eat raw eggs, which harms their health. Instead of giving them raw, try to scramble or boil the egg whites properly. Make sure to feed the pups properly cooked eggs with the right proportion.


Still, some dog owners are confused and thinking about at what age can puppies eat scrambled eggs. If you’re one of them, then finish reading this thoroughly. Pups aren’t allowed to fill their tummy with eggs regularly, but they need them to ensure proper nutrition.

A full-boiled egg with solid food is a healthy habit that may save the pups from different diseases. Yet, make sure to cook them properly so that it doesn’t have any parts to remain uncooked.

Visit the vet with your pups when it is in 10–12 weeks to ensure the proper egg-eating routine. It is good rather than struggling to decide on fixing the right amount of egg scramble.

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