My Dog Scraped His Nose Will It Turn Black Again?

Dogs are playful and curious in nature. They can easily go through problematic situations where their delicate nose skin gets scraped against various surfaces. You surely wonder to the question, if my dog scraped his nose will it turn black again?

The tissue that composes our canine companions’ noses is surprisingly delicate and soft. It takes very little for the surface skin cells to be gently scraped off, whether it’s against the rough texture of the ground, a fence, or even within the confines of a crate.

Thankfully, in most cases, these scraped snoots have an incredible ability to heal. In due time, they gracefully return to their original and beautiful sable state. However, if there are deep cuts or stabs, it will take more time to heal.

My Dog Scraped His Nose Will It Turn Black Again?

My Dog Scraped His Nose Will It Turn Black Again

The tissue on the dog’s nose is delicate and soft. It doesn’t take much time for the skin to be scrapped off if they rub it against the surface. However, you don’t need to worry as the scraped snoots heal quickly and come to their sable appearance.

You must ensure the treatment to speed up this healing process. However, a dog’s nose quickly heal as the nose gets a potent supply of blood. So after a while, this scraped-off skin should be black again.

Still, you should keep in mind that an open wound usually scabs over and quickly heal. But it won’t come in its original black color right away. It may take weeks or even months for the nose to come to its original black color.

For more severe wounds, such as deep cuts that cause bleeding, the recovering area might initially appear greying-white. This can be a result of a longer healing process, and the re-pigmentation takes some time.

Moreover, it’s crucial to note that in some cases, the color of the nose may not return to its original color. If the wound is particularly deep or severe. The skin loses its ability to fully recover due to various illnesses.

Puppies tend to heal more quickly, but the scratch may remain pink or white for months before gradually fading and becoming darker. The key during this period is to prevent your dog from reopening the wound, allowing the natural healing process to take its course.

Why Did My Dog’s Nose Get Scraped?

my dog scraped his nose

A dog’s nose quickly gets scratched or scraped as it is the most sensitive part of their body. Since they love to explore the environment around them, they are likely to sniff and scratch their noses everywhere. So scraping on the nose is quite normal. There are some common reasons for their scraping their noses.


Dogs can have allergies due to pollen, dust, certain foods, or even a change in soap or shampoo. These things can trigger allergic reactions and your dog can scrape their nose. Look for other symptoms like nasal discharge, sneezing, and conjunctivitis, which means pollen allergy.


Yes, dogs can indeed get sunburned. Those with light-colored noses or thin fur on their snouts are particularly sensitive. As the summer sun shines, you need to protect them from sunburn. Limiting exposure during peak hours and providing shade can help shield your dog’s nose from uncomfortable sunburn.


Risks are inherent to every adventure. Due to their discovery nature, dogs’ noses can get cut or scraped if they come into contact with a sharp object. So you have to ensure a safe play environment to minimize the chances of injury.


Discomfort and itching in your dog’s nose can result from a bacterial or fungal infection. It can irritate their nose and eventually lead to a scrape or wound.

In this case, you need to identify other symptoms and ensure proper treatment to prevent further complications and ensure your dog’s nasal health.

Behavioral Issues

Excessive scratching might be more than just a physical response. It can be a sign of showing anxiety and stress. it could be a silent expression of underlying stress. So monitor your do closely and try to find out the actual cause of their unusual behavior.

Nasal Mites

Yes, nasal mites are an unpleasant reality. These tiny intruders can infest your dog’s nasal passages and cause persistent itching and irritation. If you notice unusual scratching, especially in conjunction with nasal discharge, you should consult with your vet for a thorough examination.

Nasal Tumors

While it is very rare, nasal tumors can cause discomfort and manifest in scratching or rubbing of the nose. Though it is hard to identify nasal tumors of your own, you should consult a vet for further tests. 

Dog Skin Diseases

The nasal area of your dog is not only sensitive but also a zone prone to dermatological challenges. Two crucial points are (the area between the skin of the lips and oral mucosa, and the area between the skin of the nasal spectrum and the mucosa of the nose) particularly susceptible to itching and discomfort.

Various dermatological issues can plague your dog’s nose. When puppies suffer from juvenile cellulitis, they scratch to relieve the pain. Fungi cause dermatophytosis, which leads to scratching.

Caterpillars and Foreign Bodies

If a caterpillar stings your dog’s nose and tongue, it can lead to severe injuries. Certain species of caterpillars irritate your dog’s nose, inducing sneezing and potential scratching. Maintaining caution is the key to avoiding such incidents.

Other Infrequent Causes

Many other reasons can cause infrequent nose scraping:

  • Playing with fellow canines at the park, home, or dog daycare can lead to unintended injuries.
  • When dogs feel disturbed and distressed due to separation, they rub their noses against metal crates or fences, causing scratches.
  • Excessive licking during winter can strip layers of skin from the nose, contributing to scratches.
  • In response to internal discomfort, such as a trapped object, bug bites, or physical trauma, dogs scratch their noses in an attempt to relieve pain.

How to Prevent a Dog From Rubbing Its Nose?

Here are simple steps to help them find relief and keep their noses from scrapping:

1. Treat Underlying Medical Issues

If your pet is persistently scratching their nose, it could be a sign of an underlying medical issue, such as allergies or an infection. Consult with your vet to identify any health concerns. Quick chats with your vet or online vet services can provide efficient answers and ensure proper treatment.

2. Protect Their Nose from the Sun

If your dog’s nose is prone to sunburn, take precautions during peak sun hours by keeping them in the shade. You can also apply pet-safe sunscreen to their nose for extra protection against the sun’s rays.

3. Limit Exposure to Allergens

Identify potential triggers for allergies in your dog, whether it’s certain foods, products, or plants in their surroundings. Limiting exposure to these allergens can significantly reduce the likelihood of excessive nose rubbing.

4. Keep Them Active

Boredom or anxiety can manifest in excessive scratching. Ensure your dog is mentally and physically stimulated with activities and exercises. Dogs have an excellent way to keep their minds engaged and content.

5. Consider Using a Cone or Collar

In cases where nose scratching leads to serious injury or infection, a cone or collar may be necessary to prevent further harm. These devices act as a gentle barrier

What to Do if My Dog Scraped Its Nose?

my dog scratched his nose

If your dog recently has a nose scrape, here’s a guide on how to provide care:

1. Examine the Wound

Take a moment to examine the severity of the wound. For minor scrapes, you can likely manage the treatment at home. Use a sterile gauze to gently stop any bleeding. If the wound appears deep or the bleeding persists, it’s crucial to seek veterinary attention promptly.

2. Clean the Wound

Prepare a solution using warm water and betadine (or povidone-iodine). Gently clean the wound using a clean cloth or gauze. Avoid harsh solutions like alcohol or hydrogen peroxide, as they impede the healing process and cause discomfort to your dog.

3. Apply a Healing Balm

After cleaning the wound, soothe any irritation and aid healing by applying a pet-safe healing balm. This can help alleviate discomfort and promote a speedy recovery. Ensure that the product you use is specifically designed for pets.

4. Monitor Your Dog’s Behavior

Keep a close eye on your pup to ensure they don’t scratch or further irritate the wound. Consider using a cone or collar to prevent them from bothering the area during the healing process.

5. Prevent Further Injury

Take preventive measures to avoid additional scrapes. Make sure your dog avoids rough play, sharp objects, or any potential hazards that could exacerbate the wound. Creating a safe environment is key to preventing further injuries.

6. Seek Veterinary Care

If the wound is serious, continues to bleed heavily, or shows no improvement within a few days, consult your vet quickly. They can provide necessary treatments such as antibiotics to prevent infection and facilitate proper healing.

Final Words

If your dog’s nose has suffered a scrape from playful interactions, digging in the dirt, scratching, or even insect bites, in most cases the color returns to black. It’s important to keep a close eye on the healing progress.

If there are concerns about scarring, depth of the scrape, or signs of infection, consulting with your vet is advisable.