Is It Bad for Puppies to Jump Off Couch at Their Very Early Age?

Puppies aged 3–4 weeks are curious to learn new things and activities. If you are to nurture a breed for a more extended period, this type of habit may be familiar to you. Jumping and playing with a couch is a good sign but could be harmful at their age. Is it bad for puppies to jump off couch?

Yes, little pups have very soft bones that may injure if they try to jump off the couch. The muscle and the joints aren’t matured during that period properly. Pups grow without their mother and have very delicate bone density that doesn’t allow them to jump until they mature.

However, if you have a pup trying to learn the high jump, don’t worry. Let it do it. But take care of some vital things that are included below. This advice will help you to protect her from injuries and works to train high jump safely.

Is It Bad for Puppies to Jump Off the Couch?

Is It Bad for Puppies to Jump Off Couch

Of course, jumping on and off the couch isn’t suitable for puppies, even some mature dogs. Puppies are very soft born, and jumping may harm them.

It sometimes causes them serious injury. From the point of view of many veterinary departments and researchers, puppies aren’t eligible to handle the sudden height raise during the jump time.

A too-young puppy can injure themselves by jumping from 2 inches high. In other words, as puppies are addicted to learning new things, you can’t stop them from jumping off continuously. But don’t allow him to make it a habit.

What Happens to A Puppy When It Jumps Off?

Whenever your puppy is prepared to jump, their muscles shift their weight and prepare for a big move. That means, when preparing for a high or mid-level jump, all the powers and bones will unite to support him/her to fly.

The leg muscles of both their front and back sides are expanding. The activated back end pushes the pups forward like a spring that triggers it to release.

This action needs the pup’s full attention on the back leg joints. In this movement, puppies’ organs, including the stifle, hip (both sides) and tarsal, work together to support the muscles.

The front legs become extended, flexed, and integrated whenever the pup lands. However, those movements are not too harmful to the pups.

This is normal for mature dogs but less than good for the puppies. When they’re trying to move forward by leaning their entire body to jump up, their soft bones may shrink or be unprepared.

There are chances of breaking down their leg muscles in their attempts to fly too high. Again, when they come back to the ground, those muscles return to their flexible position. It sometimes inflicts severe wounds on their immature bones.

Why Do Puppies Try to Jump Off Couch?

I have gone through so much veterinary expertise and have been on this platform for many years. They had to tackle many cases related to pups jumping onto the couch. There are some reasons behind this include:

1.      They Want to Be More Closed

Your pups used to jump on the couch whenever they were very affectionate with you. They wanted to be more loved and closer to you. Jumping on the couch often leads them to become loveliest towards their owners.

2.      To Seek Attention

Seeking attention is another reason the puppies wanted to jump on the couch. Puppies are very fond of getting the attention of their owners. They wanted to try something new every time to catch their owner’s attention.

3.      They Might Try to Learn Something New

Puppies are likely to learn new things and love to experience new play. Jumping on the couch seems to them a new play. Or they may copy them from anyone else.

4.      Experiencing Zoomies

Some puppies used to jump onto the couch due to experiencing zoomies. Zoomies is a frenetic random activity period in the life cycle of the pups. This sort of disease causes the pups to experience sudden bursts of energy. When the dog or puppies attack this, they start to do many strange activities, including

  • it may run around in a circle
  • Jumping on high or couches
  • Chasing their tails
  • Doing laps at home premises or in garden

According to the definition by Dr. Zac Pilossoph (A Consulting Veterinarian of Healthy Paws), Zoomies are the highest level of excitement in dogs or puppies. It has been shown around the pups when they’re too excited and happy to show it to their master.

5.      Pups Love to Climbing

Many pups are curious about climbing to an upward or high position. The couch’s height may give them an imaginary portrait of rising high in the mountains or sky.

In other words, climbing onto the sofa makes them imagine they’re on a high mountain or flying in the sky like a bird. For this reason, they start to jump off the couch to fulfill their dream of climbing high.

How to Stop Pups from Jumping on the Couch?

Following some strategies has made it possible to control or stop the pups from doing such acts. Herein are the details of them:

1.      Manage the Environment

To control the pups’ behavior, inspecting what’s happening in their surroundings is essential. Stop going outside by leaving the pups at home all alone. In this way, the puppy will have a safe area to practice jumping on the couch. Reduce her comfort zone as much as possible by you.

2.      Use A Blanket

When a puppy gets into a couch, she/ he makes it so messy by splitting their furs. If you really want to handle this sort of problem, then make a clear rule for everyone in your family.

Tell everyone that whenever they see a puppy on the couch without a blanket, they should get it down from the couch. Use a blanket on the couch to get rid of puppy fur messes.

3.      Teach Them or Train Them

The most important thing to prevent them from jumping on the bed over and over again is to train them. Teach your puppy the bad habit not to be a mummy’s dog by training them strictly and cuddling them softly.

Reduce the habit by putting them out on the couch repeatedly. When you used to do it frequently, your puppies will gently leave their habit of jumping on the couch.

4.      Make the Floor a Better Place to Play with Them

It isn’t unusual for the pups to become curious to see their owner sitting or lying on the couch, leaving them alone. They also wanted to discover themselves with you there. It is something just like when they sit beside you hungrily whenever you’re eating or dining.

You should make a bed on the floor to express their curiosity and remove their loneliness. They will play with you there in the evening and even be cuddled by you when you’re napping.

Puppies are very affectionate to their owner if their actual mother doesn’t nurture them or can’t even see her after birth. They try to mimic your every behavior thinking of you as their master of guidance.

5.      Teach It to Settle on A Mat Next to You

If these above ideas do nothing to the pups to change their habit of jumping off the couch, then shift to this. Make a warm bed or mat for the puppies next to your sofa and teach them to sit or nap. It might not seem easy to do at first, but your puppy will begin to habituate to your teaching day by day.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


Why Does My Puppy Jump onto the Couch?

Puppies are naturally used to jumping onto the couch to seek their owner’s attention. They sometimes do this sort of act as a part of their entertainment or playing.

Why Do My Pups Use to Jump on and Off the Couch Continuously?

If the pups continuously jump on and off the couch, it may happen for their curiosity. In most cases, puppies used to mimic their owner and want to stay with them. Continuing to jump on the couch also indicates that your offspring is in its cloud-nine mood.

How Do I Calm My Puppy to Stop Jumping on Couch?

Spend some time with your puppies by playing different games and activities. Make a comfortable bed next to your bed to stop them from doing it continuously. Trained them or alerted the other members of your house to get it out off the couch whenever they notice.

How to Teach Puppy Not to Jump on Couch?

It is so simple to teach the puppy not to jump on the couch in many ways. Do not pull it or lift it from the bed when it is jumping onto the couch. Leave the pups in that place for some time.

Pick a plate of dog food and show it to the puppy. Looking for food in your hand, the puppy will get out of the couch on its own.

What Happened to The Couch When a Puppy Jumped On It?

Whenever the puppy jumps onto the couch, it looks unmanageable and ruined. The soft outlook of the cover may spoil and become dirty by its furs. Its sudden jump may cause damage or tear the cushion’s quality.


Puppy jumping habits are an early sign that they will grow up properly. Their sudden behavior might surprise you and make you worry; is it bad for puppies to jump off couch?

Of course, you should stop the pups from making it a habit, as this one harms their immature bones. Puppies love to do it frequently as they are in their jolly mood. They’re very fond of discovering new things from their owner.

However, keep one thing in mind: avoid stubbornly getting the pups off the couch. It can make the pups scared and let them act protective. Instead of behaving rudely, try to handle the matter softly and tactfully.

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