Dog Suddenly Refusing To Go To Bed – Causes & Solutions

Just like humans, dogs also develop specific sleeping habits and they maintain them well. But if your dog suddenly refuses to go to bed, it’s a matter of concern. Your dog must be going through some problems.

Some mental and physical situations can be the reasons. If there is any change in their daily food or sleeping habits, shift to the new environment, or suffer from health issues, then your dog can refuse to go to bed. Or, it could simply be their mischief.

How Much Time Dogs Sleep Per Day?

To understand a dog’s sleeping behavior, you have to know their sleeping hours. Usually, dogs sleep 50% means 12 hours per day. However, the sleeping duration depends on their age, breed, and overall health.

If you want to maintain a good sleeping pattern, you should observe your dog’s particular habits. In this case, you can write down their sleeping and waking time. And also the quality of sleep.

However, you have to make sure of a well-rounded sleeping environment. Take a close look at your dog’s sleep surroundings. Ensure their bed is spotless, cozy, and tucked away in a serene spot. Creating a tranquil sleeping nook can significantly contribute to a more restful sleep for your pet.

Dog Suddenly Refusing To Go To Bed – Causes

Dog Suddenly Refusing To Go To Bed

Remember, good sleep is a powerful restorative force, particularly for an anxious dog. If your dog has suddenly started refusing to go to bed, there are some possible reasons for this behavior. For example:

1. Disturbances

Dogs have very sharp ears and noses. They are keen on these senses. Unfamiliar scents of nocturnal visitors like cats, rats, or even raccoons, or loud sounds such as TV or neighborly noises, can disrupt their bedtime peace.

2. Discomfort And Anxiety

If your dog’s bed isn’t enough comfortable, too much brightness or a poor sleeping environment can make them uneasy. It’s one of the major causes of bedtime aversion.

Also, it brings anxiety to your dog’s mental state. Dogs can have separation anxiety, social anxiety, or noise anxiety which could be a clear reason for refusing to sleep.

3. Lack Of Exercise

Your dog can refuse to sleep at night if they lack of sufficient exercise during the day. Your dogs will sleep better if they are physically and mentally exhausted, which results in more restful sleep for them.

Keep your dog active with walks, play sessions, or park outings so he’s ready to sleep peacefully at night.

4. Aging Affects

As dogs get older, you can observe changes in their sleeping pattern. Older dogs often suffer from various health issues. As a result, they feel difficulties at bedtime and it leads to daytime sleeping.

5. Side Effects Of Medication

Check your dog’s medication if they are on any. Some medicines have side effects like insomnia. For this reason, they sometimes refuse to sleep in time.

Scrutinize the medications to ensure they aren’t contributing to your dog’s reluctance to hit the hay. Consult with your vet about alternatives if needed.

6. Health Issues

If your dog is experiencing any health issues, then they can suddenly refuse to go to sleep. Like upset stomach or gastrointestinal troubles can make them uncomfortable.

Moreover, arthritis or injuries can cause musculoskeletal pain, making certain sleeping positions unbearable for your dog. If you notice signs of stiffness, limping, or reluctance to engage in physical activities, there may be something wrong with your dog’s joints.

Respiratory issues can create difficulties for your dog when lying down. Breathing problems can affect their comfort. Keep an eye out for signs like wheezing, coughing, or labored breathing to identify their breathing condition.

Why is my dog suddenly unsettled at night?

When your dog becomes suddenly unsettled at night, several potential reasons come into play. Changes in routine, a recent move, or the introduction of a new family member (human or furry) can trigger anxiety or stress in your dog. That’s why they get suddenly unsettled.

Restlessness also can be a reason. Injuries, arthritis, or underlying health conditions could be the culprits. If your dog feels anxious, offer a designated area where your dog feels secure, providing a retreat from potential stressors.

Remember, sudden restlessness at night requires careful observation and a proactive approach. With the help of a few adjustments, you can create smooth nighttime environment for your dog.

What To Do When Dog Suddenly Refusing To Go To Bed

Helping your dog settle in for a peaceful night’s sleep is your responsibility as a pet owner. So you can do a few simple yet effective strategies:

1. Tire Them Out with Play: Dogs are energetic creatures. So it’s important to engage your dog in playful activities and exercise to make them tired. In turn, they are more likely to embrace bedtime. Ensure that they do not overexert themselves, maintaining a good balance between exercise and rest is important.

2. Satisfy the Hunger: A well-fed dog tends to sleep more soundly. Feed your dog before their potential sleeping time and ensure they’ve had a bathroom break before settling down.

3. Make a Cozy Sleeping Bed: The right sleeping environment is important. Create a calm room and provide your dog with a comfy bed adorned with a snug blanket. Minimize disturbances to enhance the quality of their sleep.

4. Dim the Lights: Turning off all lights before bedtime sets the stage for a restful night. Dogs, like us, appreciate a dark and soothing environment for their sleep.

5. Routine is Key: Dogs thrive on routine, so establish a daily schedule and stick to it. Consistency in routine helps create habits that promote a sense of security and predictability for your pet.

When To Consult a Professional Veterinarian?

When dogs suddenly refuse to sleep, it can be a simple or critical situation. Sometimes a few adjustments can solve the problem, while other critical situations require veterinarian observation.

Your dog’s health is the most important factor. So seeking help early on is necessary, to prevent potential issues from escalating. Professional assistance not only ensures your dog’s comfort but also contributes to maintaining a positive bedtime routine.

The critical situations are:

  • If your dog consistently refuses bedtime over an extended period, it is a red flag for an underlying issue.
  • If your dog exhibits signs of pain or discomfort during attempts to sleep, such as whining, limping, or visible hesitation, then consult with a veterinarian immediately.
  • When you notice behavioral changes like aggression, anxiety, or excessive barking, then, you should get the help of a professional vet.
  • If your dog develops unexplained fears associated with their bed, crate, or sleeping area, and you can’t pinpoint a clear cause, seeking professional help is advisable.


You should keep an eye on your dog’s overall health, especially when it comes to anxiety. Swift action is essential for an anxious dog, but identifying the root cause can be challenging.

So you should take the necessary steps to prevent potential mental and health issues. Moreover, you can combine various techniques that we have explained earlier.

Place a calming bed near a diffuser, introducing a cuddle toy to create a soothing bedtime environment. Experiment with different combinations, closely observing your dog’s body language to determine the most effective approach.