Dog Keeps Licking Anus After Grooming – Reasons & Solutions

Grooming is an essential part of a dog’s routine. Additionally, it’s a way to comfort them as well as maintain their hygiene. After a grooming session, you may observe that your dog is licking various parts of their bodies, including the anus.

It may sound gross to you. Sometimes, this just be a normal post-grooming habit. However, persistent and excessive licking could indicate an issue that needs attention. After grooming, they can feel irritation, discomfort, razor burns, etc. So it’s important to observe them and take the necessary actions.

5 Reasons That Your Dog Keeps Licking Anus After Grooming

Dog Keeps Licking Anus After Grooming

Dogs often tend to lick themselves, including the bum and anus. It seems gross and also an unhygienic habit. But licking the anus after grooming is a wired but alarming sign. As a dog parent, you should be concerned about it. Here are some common reasons behind it.

1. Discomfort or irritation

The grooming session itself can cause irritation to your dog which is the most common reason for licking the bum. The skin around the anus is thinner than the other parts. If the groomer shaved roughly, it can cause razor burn, cuts, and other discomforts.

If your dog experiences this kind of grooming, it can lick the anus due to skin irritation. They try to alleviate the discomfort in this way. If the licking continues, you need to speak to your groomer and take steps to prevent it in the future.

2. Sensitivity to Grooming Products

Some grooming products like shampoos, soap, or conditioners can cause skin irritation near the bum. To get rid of the irritation, your canine friends lick themselves. Dogs skin around the anus is sensitive. They try to ease the discomfort through licking.

Furthermore, dogs can have allergies too. They may have allergic reactions to grooming products which can result in itching and licking. If you see the skin around the anus is too red or swollen, then discuss it with your veterinarian immediately. 

3. Anal Gland Issues

One of the most common reasons for post-grooming anus licking is anal gland issues. Dogs possess anal glands that secrete scent-marking substances. These glands can sometimes become blocked or infected.

Such discomfort leads your dog to lick the area in an attempt to find relief. If this behavior continues or the area becomes swollen, then visit the vet for a professional checkup.

4. Infection

Your dog may have infections and it can be bacterial or yeast-related. Your pet may feel quite uncomfortable during this time. After grooming, it might suffer from an intrusive yeast infection.

Itchy and irritable, these infections might lead your dog to lick their anus persistently. Actually, the groin and bum are the most affected areas by yeast infections. Redness and inflammation are also signs of the infection. You need to go to the vet to treat the infection.

5. Parasites

Parasites like tapeworms, hookworms, and whipworms can take up residence in your dog’s digestive system. As these parasites attach themselves to the intestinal walls, they can cause irritation and discomfort, particularly around the anus.

Due to discomfort, your dog engages in excessive licking as it attempts to alleviate the itchiness and distress. You should take them to the vet for treatment as early as possible.

What to Do if Your Dog’s Anus is Affected After Grooming?

If you’ve noticed that your dog’s anus seems affected after grooming, there are steps you can take to provide relief and ensure their well-being.

1. Observe any sign of infection

Start by closely observing your dog’s behavior. If you notice excessive licking, scooting, or signs of discomfort, it’s time to take action. Inspect the area for signs of infection. If you see any cuts or irritations, check if there is any bleeding.

Swelling and the presence of a foul odor are indicators of potential infection. Remember, what may appear as harmless behavior can sometimes lead to more serious issues, so always remain vigilant.

Keep a close eye on your dog’s behavior. While the anus licking might be due to discomfort, it’s also possible they have developed a habit. Monitoring their behavior will help you gauge the seriousness of the situation and determine the best course of action.

2. Apply home remedies

If your dog licks the anus due to irritation, such as razor burns, you can apply some home remedies to give them comfort. It is possible to soothe their sensitive skin with a warm compress and it will also reduce inflammation.

To create a warm compress, dip a clean towel in a bowl of hot water. Make sure the temperature is comfortable for your dog before gently applying it to their bum area. It will reduce discomfort.

3. Clean the Area Gently

Maintaining cleanliness is crucial, but it’s equally important to clean the affected area gently. Sometimes if the grooming is not completed properly, soap residue may irritate the skin.

So you need to clean the areas again to give them relief. It is best to clean the area with warm water and mild soap. Avoid using antiseptic solutions, as your dog’s bum is highly sensitive. A gentle approach is key to preventing further irritation and discomfort.

4. Use Ointment

After grooming, razor burns are obvious around the sensitive parts of the body. You can use a medicated ointment which can be effective for the irritation. However, be cautious to ensure your dog doesn’t lick the ointment. There are many canine-safe medical ointments available, but even these should not be ingestion.

In cases of inflammation, you can consider natural anti-inflammatory products like turmeric, comfrey, and ginger. You can use them in small amounts after consulting your vet. When introducing new products to your dog’s routine, always prioritize their safety and well-being.

5. Consult a Vet

If your dog’s discomfort persists or worsens, you should seek professional help. Veterinary professionals are able to diagnose your dog accurately and prescribe the appropriate treatment. Consulting a vet ensures that your dog receives the necessary care without causing further harm.

How to distract dogs from licking the anus after grooming?

If there is no serious concern on the dog’s skin, then licking the anus might be part of habit development. It’s essential to distract them so that it doesn’t lick its anus.

Play with your dogs with interactive toys and puzzle feeders. These toys dispense treats or food when manipulated. It keeps your dog mentally occupied and less likely to focus on licking. Puzzle toys challenge their problem-solving skills and are a great way to distract them from licking.

Sometimes, your dog might be seeking attention or reassurance. Spend quality time with them, offering toys, cuddles, and positive interactions. Feeling loved and secure can help reduce their stress-related behaviors and discomfort.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Why does my dog keep itching their rear after a haircut?

There are various reasons for itching. One common reason is the sensation of the trimmed hair growing back. As the hair regrows, it might feel prickly or uncomfortable to your dog, leading them to scratch the area.

Why does my dog keep biting their tail after grooming?

Your dog may be biting their tail as they are attempting to reach an area that was trimmed or groomed. It can be irritation, discomfort, or pain.


Your dog’s comfort comes first. So if you notice they are having irritation and discomfort after grooming, you should take careful attention and necessary steps to make them relief.

To prevent the behavior, you need to choose the right grooming products, ensure thorough rinsing, and maintain a healthy cleaning, and a clean environment. You need to ensure a calm condition to help them feel comfortable after their grooming sessions.

If you’re concerned about persistent itching or biting, don’t hesitate to consult your veterinarian for professional guidance and support.