Do All Puppies Need to Be Dewormed

Puppies are perhaps one the most energetic, curious, and playful creatures to ever bless our universe. But because of their aforementioned qualities they are the most prone to get worms.

Parasite worms enter into their system by mixing in with the dirt they roll around in. It is said that puppies are expected to have worms inside them until proven otherwise.

So it pleads the question of whether or not Do All Puppies Need to Be Dewormed?

That is exactly what we will be discussing in this article today. We will learn about what kinda parasites they might get and what possible treatments are available. Let’s begin!

What Type of Worms Do Puppies Get?

Do All Puppies Need to Be Dewormed

Commonly, puppies get parasitic worms inside their system. They can get all types of worms. Such as:

  1. Tapeworms: Tapeworms are long, flat worms that can be found in feces or around the anus. Tapeworms can be transmitted to puppies through the consumption of infected fleas or the consumption of infected animals.
  1. Hookworms: These are blood-sucking parasites that attach to the puppy’s intestinal lining. Hookworms can be passed on to puppies through their mothers’ milk or by ingesting contaminated soil or feces.
  1. Roundworms: The most common type of worm found in puppies is roundworms. They are passed on through mother’s milk or contaminated soil and can cause digestive issues, poor growth, and a pot-bellied appearance.
  1. Long Worms: the most horrifying looking worms you will ever encounter inside another creature. They are long and wide and can span up to 10 to 12 centimeters long. They live inside the animal and collect all their nutrients essentially leaving them as an empty shell.

The right time to Deworm

Puppies usually start the worming at around 2 weeks old which continues until they have reached 12 weeks. Their immune system is still in development so after 12 weeks you may have to take your puppy to a vet visit every three or so months.

Many puppies are born with parasitic worms inside as they nurse from their mothers. So if the mothers are not what they want, chances are the puppies will be born with parasites inside them. So it is always a fine idea to check your puppy’s history before adopting or rescuing them.

How to Tell Puppies Have The Worms

The interesting thing about these parasites is, once it affects someone. The symptoms are very common all across the board. These types of worms are also found in humans as well. So if you ever had worms as a kid you would instantly recognize the symptoms. 

If you didn’t then check for the following symptoms: Diarrhea, Lethargy, Weight Loss, Blotting, Puffed Belly, and Literal Worms on their stool. They will also suffer from a lack of appetite. If three or more symptoms are sitting Do not waste a single moment and take your puppy to the nearest vet.

To Deworm or Not to Deworm

I think by this far into the article, you have already made up your mind to Deworm your adorable blobs. Breeds especially Golden Retriever, Huskies, German Shepherds, Border Collie, Pugs, and Doberman have 70-95% of parasitic worms right after their birth.

So if you have outdoor dogs or any dogs who like to roam around and explore the outside world. Then you should definitely deworm them. It is safe for them and you. As these parasites will enter into humans’ internals and disrupt their immune system.

Possible Methods of Deworming

There are many ways to eliminate parasitic worms. Most vets will resort to oral medication, injections, and chewable tablets. They can even provide topical medication in some cases. Always check in with the vet before medicating your pets. The doctor will determine the dosage based on the breed, age, and weight of the dog.

Some people would want to buy over-the-counter dewormer medication from either the Store or online. It is best to consult with your veterinarian before making such a decision. The reason is because of course they have the knowledge but also they will recommend the next dosage which will keep the dog healthy and happy.

How to Make Sure Worms Never Comes Back

Maintain good hygiene by keeping your puppy’s environment clean and washing their bedding, toys, food, and water bowls regularly. Also, always pick up your puppy’s feces and properly dispose of them to avoid contamination of the environment.

Feeding raw or undercooked meat is not recommended: raw meat may contain worm eggs or larvae that can infect your puppy. Also, Fleas can transmit tapeworms, so it’s critical to keep your puppy on a flea prevention program. Your veterinarian can advise you on the best flea control for your puppy.

And Finally Veterinary check-ups regularly; Your puppy should go to the vet regularly for check-ups and deworming treatments. Your veterinarian may recommend different deworming schedules depending on the type of worm and the age of your puppy.

The Medication Will Not Affect their Playfulness

It is normal to think that any kind of medication will abrupt their regular playful pattern but in reality, having warm is the thing that will prevent them from leading a happier and healthy life. Just like cats dogs need special attention from their caregivers.

They usually don’t clean themselves as cats do so it is the owner’s responsibility to make sure they are always properly groomed and clean after every outdoor session. Dogs, especially puppies, recover from various diseases much faster than their older members, as their immune systems are getting stronger over and over after minimal exposure to bacterial infections.

Final Words

Not just worms, your puppies can have other types of diseases that can trace back to genetic or external environmental factors. It is important to keep an eye on your puppies as someone of them might not even show any symptoms but are well carrying it.

I hope you found your answer to Do All Puppies Need to Be Dewormed or not. I have provided as much info as I could to convince you to take your puppy to the veterinarian for a quick and easy session of deworming. This is the least you can do to provide your dog with a long and healthy life.

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