Can You Put Two Dog Crates Next To Each Other?

Being a multi-dog owner comes with its joys and challenges. Also, it’s an important consideration when deciding crate placement. Many owners ask can you put two dog crates next to each other?

Thankfully, you can keep two dog crates next to each other. Actually, it has several benefits like socialization and easier supervision. Still, you need to pay close attention to your puppy’s behavior to avoid potential risks.

These hurdles issues like a lack of crate training, potential gender-related conflicts, tendencies towards aggressiveness, health concerns, and even psychological intricacies. While this seems like a daunting list, the good news is that these challenges can be overcome with the right approach.

Can You Put Two Dog Crates Next To Each Other?

Can You Put Two Dog Crates Next To Each Other

Many people think that crates are like a jail for these cute dogs. But crates are actually great for multi-dog households if you can train the dogs well. Also, they are cozy and offer individual space for each dog.

Whatsoever, you can keep two dog crates next to each other. It is beneficial in many ways. For example,


Putting dog crates next to one another promotes socialization. It helps dogs to be familiar with each other’s scent and they act like family. When you place two crates together, dogs will feel safe as their scent indicates they are close to each other.

The familiar scent signals the presence of a trusted companion nearby. A dog, feeling uneasy, finds solace in knowing that their canine friend is just a sniff away, easing tension and boosting a sense of security.

The arrangement allows for a visual connection between the dogs. This visual riggers curiosity and a desire to engage with each other. As the dogs peer at each other from their crates, their curiosity is piqued, laying the groundwork for positive interactions once outside the confines of the crate.

Comfort and security

Canine anxiety is a genuine concern, varying across breeds and training approaches. Certain dogs find comfort in being part of a pack. When their crates are thoughtfully placed side by side, a sense of ease and security naturally ensues.

Dogs, inherently social beings, draw reassurance from the nearness of their group members. The closeness of the crates contributes to trust-building between your dogs. Being in such proximity encourages tolerance, as they become accustomed to each other’s presence.

Encouraging Positive Behavior

Placing dogs in crates next to each other appears as a potent training technique, fostering positive behavior. The visual connection between them works as a powerful motivator. When one shows quiet and disciplined behavior, the other is likely to follow suit, especially if treats are involved.

This technique becomes a valuable insight into improving positive behaviors in your puppies.

Less Barking and Whining

Dogs are like human infants. They haul and cry when they need something. When dogs stay close, it minimizes separation anxiety and they tend to bark and whin less. Having another dog nearby reduces loneliness and they feel safe.

Streamlining Supervision

If you have multiple dogs in the home, you must know the frustration of how challenging to supervise them. However, the strategic placement of dog crates side by side simplifies this task. With your dogs comfortably situated in the same area, feeding, monitoring, and socializing become more convenient.

There is no need for constant movement and providing a centralized space for oversight.

Space-Saving Efficiency

Dog breeding requires a lot of space. They need a suitable area where they can freely move, play, and eat. Placing dog crates next to each other is a smart solution for optimizing space in a multi-dog household.

This not only keeps your home from feeling overcrowded but also facilitates easy cleaning and maintenance. The efficient layout created by adjoining crates contributes to a harmonious living space for both dogs and owners.

What Are The Risks If You Put Two Dog Crates Next To Each Other?

two dog crates together

While there are notable advantages to situating dog crates side by side, it’s crucial to be aware of potential risks. Here are some factors to be mindful of:

1. Fighting and Aggression

Despite the dog’s social nature, they can show territorial behavior. When another dog encroaches on their perceived space, it may trigger aggression. This territorial mindset can lead to conflicts and fighting between dogs. You need to improve socialization between them to prevent aggression.

2. Resource Guarding

When dogs are not adequately trained to socialize with others. they may engage in resource guarding. They become possessive of toys, food, and other belongings in the presence of another dog. This can trigger aggression if the perceived threat to possessions continues.

3. Medical Concerns

Placing crates closed can pose health risks, such as the spread of communicable diseases like kennel cough and parvovirus. Additionally, fleas and ticks find it easier to transfer between dogs when their crates are nearby. Regular cleaning of crates is essential to minimize these health risks.

4. Interference with Housebreaking

The placement of crates next to each other may interfere with housebreaking efforts. If one dog has an accident in their crate, it could potentially impact the housebreaking progress of another dog who witnesses it, leading to regression in their potty training.

Things to Consider When Putting Two Dog Crates Next to Each Other

Well, there is no hazard if you put two dog crates closely, yet you need to consider some things to prevent potential risks.

1. Age of the Dogs

Puppies have a playful and adaptable nature. So they are more likely to thrive when placed next to each other in crates. Full-grown dogs may struggle with such closeness, especially if they are territorial. Senior dogs require individual attention. They might find their needs overlooked in shared crate spaces.

2. Temperament of the Dogs

Dog temperament varies widely. Some dogs are territorial and prone to aggression when near others, while some thrive in a close setting. Understanding your dog’s temperament is crucial. If your goal is to encourage sociability, adjacent crates will be beneficial. However, for aggressive or territorial dogs, this arrangement leads to stress and negative behavior.

3. Training Goals

Consider your training objectives. If socialization and friendliness are the goals, having crates next to each other can aid in achieving that. Conversely, for dogs needing the training to calm aggression or territorial behavior, this arrangement exacerbates stress and hinders progress.

What To Do If You Don’t Place Crates Next to Each Other

When placing dog crates next to each other is not working, then consider separating them into different rooms. This provides individual spaces for your dogs. It enhances a sense of ownership and potentially reduces defensive behaviors, leading to a calmer atmosphere.

This approach is particularly useful if one of your dogs is unwell, and you wish to prevent the spread of illness. Alternatively, you can use baby gates in the middle ground. It allows your dogs to maintain visual contact without complete separation, fostering socialization while minimizing the risk of conflicts.

This cost-effective solution is not only practical but also aids in preventing fights and maintaining a peaceful coexistence. Baby gates present a budget-friendly alternative compared to investing in multiple dog crates.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Should I Crate Dogs In The Same Room?

Crating dogs in the same room is acceptable as long as each dog has its own separate crate. This arrangement allows them to keep each other company from their individual crates, which can be beneficial.

Can You Put Two Dogs In The Same Crate?

Putting two dogs in the same crate is generally not advisable, except in the case of puppies who are used to being together. When dealing with adult dogs, it’s a risky scenario. If the dogs were to start fighting, the confined space of the crate could escalate the situation.


Creating a comfortable and safe space for your dogs is thoughtful consideration of their age, temperament, and training goals.

After weighing the pros and cons of placing dog crates next to each other, you now have the information to make an informed decision. But make sure whether your decision is right for you and your dogs.