Can Puppy Eat Egg White? [Answer According to Veterinarians]

Eggs are a healthy and delicious breakfast food. Every pup owner can share this delicious meal with their furry friend. But before sharing, it is crucial to know: can puppy eat egg white?

Egg white is completely safe for pups. Adding this meal to your pup’s meal or diet plan occasionally will be significantly beneficial. Egg whites can be an excellent treat for your pup as long as this item is safely consumed.

Undoubtedly eggs are yummy and tasty. However, it is important to know a few fundamentals, like whether cooked whites, raw egg whites, or fried egg whites are best for your pup.

Can Puppy Eat Egg White?

Can Puppy Eat Egg White

Yes, pups can eat egg white.

Eggs are a great source of vitamins, minerals, etc., and so do the egg whites. The white portion of eggs contains quality fats, protein, and carbohydrates. These ingredients help your pup maintain and develop good skin health and muscle mass.

If you want to boost your pup’s protein intake, feed egg, and egg whites.

Egg white is a nutrition-dense food, providing your cranny with easily digestible proteins. Also, egg whites are full of the below vitamins and nutrients.

  • Iron
  • Riboflavin
  • B12 vitamin
  • Folate
  • Selenium
  • Vitamin A
  • Match
  • Fatty Acids

According to Christopher Blesso, an associate professor of nutritional science at the University of Connecticut in the US stated that “Egg whites are a perfect meal for pups as it consists of all the required nutrition for boosting the metabolism. It is a nutrition-dense meal.”

More importantly, a single raw egg white has a protein of 3.6 grams and fat of 0.056 grams. These many nutrients are a must to have a healthier and happier puppy.

Also, some veterinarians prefer providing egg whites instead of yolk to pups. The reason is egg whites contain zero cholesterol than egg yolks.

So, it can be said clearly, egg whites are completely for puppies, and you can add them to your pup’s daily meal plan.

What are the Benefits of Feeding Egg White to Your Pup?

Egg whites offer limitless benefits to your pup. Here are the prime benefits of egg whites.

  • Egg white has high levels of selenium, riboflavin, and protein. All these nutrients are essential for the growth of your pup.
  • The quantity of amino acids such as Arginine in egg white is high. Arginine is a crucial nutrient for improving blood circulation and minimizing the risk of heart disease.
  • B vitamins are largely found in egg white. These vitamins ensure healthy skin and metabolism and improve energy production. As a result, you will always have a playful pup at your home.

What are the Drawbacks of Feeding Egg White to Your Pup?

Unfortunately, egg whites have a bad reputation for the below drawbacks. The below causes could happen if you feed egg whites too much to your pup.


Avidin is an enzyme inhibitor available in egg whites. It interferes with the pup’s digestion. So, regularly providing egg whites can be harmful to your pup.

This ingredient prevents biotin absorption. Biotin is responsible for ensuring good metabolic processes, which is helpful for the health of nails, skin, and hair.

As a result, instead of a shiny coat, your pup will get unhealthy skin. Remember, it can happen if you feed your pup large quantities of egg whites.

Also, remember not to add egg white to your pup’s meal plan all of a sudden. Start with small quantities. Check how your pup reacts to it. Also, look for any adverse effects related to egg white.

Biotin Deficiency

A high amount of biotin is available in eggs. It is a type of vitamin B that impacts the metabolism process of your pup’s health.

Generally, pups rarely experience biotin deficiency. Such an incident can happen if your pup eats too many egg whites.

Happily, cooking egg white can help decrease the risk.


Salmonella is one of the biggest concerns of every pup owner, and it is for some valid reasons. Eggs and egg whites are the primary resources of salmonella. For this reason, some vets recommend not providing egg whites or eggs to your pups.

However, following the points below, you can keep your pup risk-free from salmonella.

  • Buy fresh and organic eggs from a reliable source
  • Make sure to store eggs in a refrigerator
  • Avoid storing eggs at room temperature
  • If the eggs are dented or broken, discard them
  • Make sure to thoroughly cook or boil the egg white before feeding it to your pup

How to Feed Eggs to Pups?

There is no harm in feeding egg white to pups. However, the most important thing is to prepare the egg white properly.

Here is what you need to do when feeding eggs to pups.

  • Consult a pro veterinarian before adding eggs to your pup’s meal plan. Some pups may experience allergies after eating eggs. Consult a vet to learn the symptoms you need to look for.
  • After getting a positive signal from your vet, it would always be best to incorporate eggs into your pup’s diet plan slowly. For example, starting one or twice an egg per week will be an ideal decision.
  • Thoroughly cook the egg. This will help you prevent harmful salmonella. Raw eggs can increase the risk of some health issues. If you are wondering how to cook eggs properly, let me explain. Cooking eggs at 160 degrees Fahrenheit ensures proper cooking. Avoid adding oil, salt, butter, or other additives when cooking.
  • When feeding your dog egg whites, ensure giving them the yolk as well.  
  • Choose free-range eggs. These are better options than others. The reason is that free-range eggs tend to be more nutrient-rich. Your pup will get maximum nutritional value from free-range eggs.

Can Pups Eat Raw Eggs?

Are you planning to feed your pup raw egg whites?

In this case, it is important to consult your veterinarian. According to most vets, feeding raw eggs should be prohibited. Cooking eggs is always recommended.

If you feed your pups raw eggs, they may face the below problems,

  • Biotin deficiency
  • Salmonella
  • Bacteria

Moreover, raw eggs can be allergic to some pups. Keep an eye on your pups for allergic reactions like hives, swelling, sneezing, breathing problems, coughing, or lethargy.

If you see the above-mentioned allergic reactions, don’t be late to visit a veterinarian. They will suggest the best possible treatment for your furry friend.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can pups eat eggshells?

Technically, yes. But there is a condition. If your veterinarian recommends feeding eggshells, you can give eggshells to your pup. Eggshells have calcium which works as a supplement for some pups. However, there are many other easier options to feed your pup calcium-rich foods.

Moreover, eggshells are not the tastiest options. They have sharp edges. So, it is best not to feed your pup eggshells without your vet’s consultation.

Should I give eggs to my pup every day?

Generally, pups shouldn’t eat more than one egg per day. More importantly, if you give eggs to your pup for the first time, add them slowly to the diet plan. It is better to use eggs as a treat for your pup occasionally.

Also, remember to buy the egg from a reliable source. This way, you can ensure fresh and dent-free eggs all the time.

How many eggs can I give to my pup?

Eggs are a great source of protein which is a must for the growth of pups. At the same time, pups need other nutrients for the well-being of their health.

The number of eggs to give your pups depends on your pup’s age. Half an egg is enough for a smaller pup daily. On the other hand, an egg is a good choice for larger pups. However, ask your vet how many eggs you can give your pup.

Are egg whites allergic to pups?

Yes, there is a chance that your pup can be sensitive or allergic to egg whites. That is why you should slowly add egg whites to your pup’s meal plan. This way, you can know whether the egg whites create any allergic reaction in your pup.

What to do if your pup eats raw eggs?

No need to panic if your pup eats raw eggs. Monitor them for a minimum of 48 hours for any problematic symptoms. Consult a vet and follow their suggestions. In case the situation gets worse, rush to your vet without being late.


While egg whites can be a nutritious addition to a puppy’s diet, it is important to consider the specific components of the egg. Puppies can safely eat egg whites as they are an excellent source of high-quality protein and contain no cholesterol. 

However, ensuring that the egg whites are thoroughly cooked is crucial to avoid the risk of salmonella contamination. Additionally, it is important to introduce new foods gradually and monitor the puppy’s response for any signs of allergies or digestive issues. 

Consulting with a veterinarian is always recommended to determine your specific puppy’s appropriate dietary needs and guidelines.

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