Can Puppies Eat Wet Food Every Day?

Feeding your puppies canned or carton food may let them enjoy their meal more satisfactorily. But encouraging them to eat wet food mixed with this may benefit the puppies more. The most common question from the new pet owner is, can puppies eat wet food every day?

Giving the puppies wet food mixed with solids daily is not harmful or causes serious health issues. But it may affect their stomach in the long run if provided solely. Despite this, wet foods are good for their health and digestion. Puppies aged 8–10 months or 3–4 weeks are perfect for feeding wet foods.

Wet foods are also beneficial for dogs for their proper development. It gives them the necessary nutrients and helps build their robust immune system.

Do Puppies Allow to Intake Wet Food Every Day?

Can Puppies Eat Wet Food Every Day

This is an excellent choice for young puppies who just developed their teeth. However, since giving them moist food daily isn’t harmful to their health, it may affect their stomach in the long run.

Experts suggest gradually giving the pups dry and wet food in that case. For example, little puppies at 8–9 weeks have very soft teeth for chewing. They may find the solid food hard to swallow.

If you start giving the pups stable protein like beef and fish, try to provide boiled food first. Make sure to keep both meals in their regular feeding routine to prevent the harmful effects of wet food.

However, wet food used to have a smelly, meaty texture with mushy, dry kibble. It would be the most convenient option for the young pups. Besides this, some wet food has high moisture content to ensure the dogs have plenty of fluids.

What Is Wet Food for Puppies?

Wet food for the puppies should vary based on age and contain some necessary elements. On the contrary to dry food, wet food has 60-80% more moisture than dry food. Puppies’ food is either produced in canned or properly sealed packaging.

Since eating is more lucrative and consists of different nutrients, it would be an excellent choice for puppies with poor appetites.

Wet foods are found in different varieties, some of them are available in:

  • mixing wet food with 70% kibble and 30% wet or moisture
  • Some are produced only with water and food, but the amount of humidity is always higher than the solid
  • Some wet foods are usually found in only wet condition
  • Some alternate wet food comes with kibble, watery foods and meat

However, try to practice a rational feeding routine for the puppies. It will help them to achieve a healthy and blissful life. Feed the puppies both solid and wet food altogether.

For example, don’t repeat it in the morning if you get them wet at night. Organize the breakfast menu with fresh, canned food like pork, fish or poultry.

What Benefits Do Pups Get by in Taking Wet Food?

Pups get a more enjoyable and tempting taste by experiencing wet food from an early age. Starting feeding them wet food, for now, could add some inexpressible positive results in one word. Herein some of the critical benefits that pups get by taking wet food include:

1.      Provide Extra Coaxing to Eat

Puppies in their grown-up age have little sense of taste. Since dogs have a more robust understanding of humor than normal humans, they play a significant role in wet food.

According to experts, dogs have 10,000 to 100,000 times more powerful sense of smell than us. They also have a powerful ability to analyze scent, which is 40 times greater than humans.

These things help the pups observe and enjoy the natural taste of wet food. The gravy, meat bones and mixing aroma with the food is also beneficial for keeping their mind and soul happy.

If the pups are recently recovered from any serious accidents, injuries or even dental complexities, wet food is great as a meal. Wet entrées will work as a cure for them and provide extra coaxing to fulfill their hunger.

2.      Keep The Pups Hydrating

One of the essential things about wet food is it helps the pups to keep hydrated. They may prefer to drink something other than plain water so early. But wet food can be an excellent alternative to this.

Since the wettest food contains higher moisture, it takes after the pup’s health lest it suffers from dehydration.

Also, wet food is beneficial for decreasing strains on the pup’s major organs. Sufficient water intake is helpful for dogs to keep their kidneys and urinary tract well and effectively. Even though sometimes the vet will recommend the pups to intake wet food to prevent diabetes and liver issues.

3.      Feeling More Gratified During Eating

Wet food allows the dog to eat their meal more delicately. They feel more gratified while eating food. Dry food sometimes needs to be digested properly.

But moist eating will digest quickly, and the pups seem to finish their platter within time. The taste and flavor of wet food always work to increase their hunger. In a word, dogs enjoyed this kind of food more than dry food.

4.      More Nutritious Than Processed Food

Most dogs crave to enjoy different food in their regular meal. Giving the same food regularly may reduce their interest, and they may feel disinterest in taking their meal.

Moreover, dry foods didn’t contain enough nutrition like wet food, as insisted by veterinary experts. More importantly, processed or canned food doesn’t have enough nutrients, which the pups may get from wet food.

Let’s look at the table below to know what nutrients it will provide your dog at a glance to get an idea.

Wet Dog Food Nutrition NameAmount (Percentage)
Preservatives, Artificial ColorN/A

By this table, it is now clear that the containing nutrition of wet food will provide more benefits than dry food. Wet food contains more flavor and is enriched with more nutrition than processed canned food. Moreover, it doesn’t have any artificial food color or preservatives.

5.      Makes Chewing Easy

If the little fur balls are in their teething phase, wet food could be a better option to feed them. It makes their chewing easy, and they feel cozy.

Aromatic wet food smells very lucrative, which is also good for the ill adult dog. Chewing dry food may cause them to feel uncomfortable for having teething problems, chewing issues and even small mouths.

In addition, sometimes, the pups with misaligned jaws must be fed wet food. It entices the dog’s appetite and heals its illness. Yet, they sometimes won’t feel pain while eating.

When to Start Feeding the Pups Wet Food?

The puppies at 3–4 weeks or 9–10 months old get all the necessary nutrients from their mother dog. At that time, the pups become healthy without eating any outside food. Once they’re leaving their mother’s milk, they will get prepared to taste something new.

But they’re still not ready to intake wet food only. The pups don’t get sufficient calories from the wet food that help develop their bones and muscles.

You don’t give them solid food as their teeth aren’t growing correctly. Pups up until 3–4 weeks should be fed solid food with some water to make them soft and eatable to the puppies.

Therefore, feed the little fur balls wet food when they’re about 9 to 24 months of age. Experts say puppies of that age can intake solid or wet food.

Getting a new furry friend at home without knowing their proper diet plan is cumbersome to understand. Visiting a professional vet would be good if you could handle this matter. They will recommend an appropriate plan of diet with the right proportion.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How Often Do I Give the Puppy Wet Food?

The most recommended age to feed the little canines is 4 months-6 months. This means your puppy should grow enough and come off feeding your mother’s milk.

Is It Ok to Feed My Puppy Both Wet and Dry Food Altogether?

Of course, in most cases, you feed the dog wet and dry food altogether. Mix some solid food with the wet to taste the pups. It will only go to eat some of the things from here. It leaves some food at rest, which doesn’t taste good to the puppies.

How Long Do I Keep My Pups on Wet Food?

Puppies are usually advised to feed four times a day to meet their adequate nutrition. But ensure whatever you’re giving them bears sufficient nutrients that help to develop their physical growth and brain.

In that case, little canines are not allowed to eat adult food too much, which may rob all the crucial nutrients from pups. Feed the puppies wet food once a day. If it is habituated with that, you can increase the amount over time.

How To Choose Wet Food for Puppies?

To ensure your pup’s health and proper nutrition, check what wet food you should give them. Inspecting them is so easy.

Check the back of the package or can to see if there are any seals of AAFCO statements or Statutory statements from the UK. Both signs include whether it is worth it for the pups’ growth or the growing puppies. Make sure to choose the most familiar and renowned brand for puppy food.

How Much Amount of Wet Food Is Best to Feed Puppies?

It is difficult to tell how much is reasonable to feed the puppies wet food. Because it depends on so many crucial factors such as age, puppies’ breed and current weight, physical conditions etc.

However, if this is your first time giving them wet food, try to keep the amount as little as possible for you. They help the pups to adapt to the food day by day.


Wet entrées are neither bad for the little dogs nor sufficient to ensure proper nutrients. So, it is natural to ask such a question in mind can puppies eat wet food every day.

It depends on many things which should be addressed. But your pups become healthier if you stick to high-quality wet food brands.

Giving the correct quantity with the best food will always bring outstanding results instead of causing severe health issues in pups. But remember to get them to visit the veterinary expert before feeding them wet food.