Can Puppies Eat Waffles?

Waffles are classic breakfast options. When you eat waffles, your puppies’ noses must be tempted by the sweet waffle’s charm. That raises one common question – can puppies eat waffles?

Puppies can or can’t eat waffles. The reason is commercial waffles are not good food options for puppies as they contain high amounts of calories. While you can also feed home waffles to your puppies rather than leaving or throwing them in the trash box.

Everyone wants to eat waffles at least once in a while. So, are waffles safe for puppies? Before going ahead and sharing waffles, it is crucial to know the answer.  

Can Puppies Eat Waffles?

Can Puppies Eat Waffles

Although, puppies can eat waffles. However, they may experience minimal side effects If consumed regularly. A few bits will not be harmful to your puppies. Be mindful not to add waffles to your puppy’s regular diet list.

Happily, most waffle types are not toxic. Commercial waffles contain high calories or carbohydrates. These waffles may increase heart disease or diabetes in your puppy because of the presence of butter, sugar, etc. On the other hand, you can control the amount of ingredients for home or plain waffles.

So, when you give them infrequently, waffles have little to no side effects for pups. At the same time, you must remember that eating waffles daily can upset your puppy’s stomach.

What are the Health Benefits of Waffles for Puppies?

Generally, plain waffles are made of eggs, milk, butter, sugar, and flour. Let’s find out what these ingredients offer to your puppy’s health.

  • Flour: Flour is a common ingredient for Puppy food. It helps to maintain a healthy bowel. Also, vitamin B converts food into energy. Additionally, manganese is necessary for blood clotting and connective tissues.
  • Eggs: It is a good diet choice for puppies. Eggs contain lots of protein, helping your pup to build muscles. Also, your pup will have a healthy coat since eggs have linoleic acid. Moreover, fat-soluble vitamin A is best for good eyesight.  
  • Milk: Calcium is the prime nutrient of milk, boosting strong bones. It also helps with strong nails and teeth. Unfortunately, many pups fail to tolerate lactose. As a result, they suffer from gastric upsets.

All in all, waffles have some important nutrients that help your pup grow stronger. However, other treats, like bell peppers, apples, and carrots, are more beneficial than waffles.

What are the Health Risks of Waffles for Puppies?

As said, commercial waffles are bad for pups, while plain treats can be given infrequently. Sweetened waffles can be bad for your pup. Let’s learn the risks related to waffles.

  • Xylitol is an artificial sweetener often used as an alternative to sugar. Fats in xylitol are lower compared to sugar. But it can be responsible for collapse and hypoglycemia. More dangerously, high consumption of xylitol can lead to unexpected death. Before giving commercial waffles to your pup, it would always be best to check the label. If the waffle contains xylitol, avoid it.
  • Excessive Calorie Count: Carbohydrate is the main ingredient of waffles with a high-calorie count. This ingredient increases the pup’s weight. As per the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention, 59% of puppies will be classified as overweight in 2022. Being overweight can lead them to problems such as diabetes or cancer.
  • Oily Waffles: Waffles are cooked with lots of oil which can create problems with pancreatitis. When there is a problem with pancreatitis, enzymes get created when there is no food in the stomach. Then enzymes attack the stomach, creating a painful condition for your pup.
  • Wheat Intolerance: Similar to humans, puppies can also be intolerant to gluten or wheat. Symptoms of wheat intolerance are diarrhea, bloating, lethargy, poor coatings, and flatulence. If you give waffles to your pup, monitor the health as well.  

Which waffles are better for a Puppy- home-made or store-bought?

Hopefully, you already understand the difference between store-bought and home-made waffles from the above discussion. However, I am giving a brief comparison below.

Calorie counts are lower in store-bought frozen waffles. However, preservatives and additives are higher in these waffles. These ingredients are unsafe for puppies. For this reason, you shouldn’t consider risking your pup to feed waffles.

On the other hand, the number of calories is excessive in home-made waffles. The good news is that home-made waffles are made of the safest ingredients. Additives and preservatives are unavailable in home-made waffles. Moreover, you can choose the ingredients for the waffles which are good for your pup.

Finally, the point below is the prime difference between home-made and store-bought waffles.

  • Store-made waffles are bad for pups as they contain additives and preservatives. While home-made waffles are safe for puppies since harmful additives and preservatives are absent in these waffles. However, don’t provide waffles in your pup’s diet plan daily.

Are Waffles with Toppings Healthy for Your Pup?

Toppings are usually used over waffles to make them sweet. You can use toppings like chocolates, Nutella, fruits, etc., according to your pup’s taste.

However, it is important to be careful before adding toppings on waffles. So, remember to choose the toppings carefully. You must avoid those toppings that can cause harm to your pup.

The below toppings can be healthy for your puppies.

  • Strawberries: This fruit is healthy for pups. Moreover, strawberry syrup doesn’t require sugar. So, you can make syrup and pour it over the waffles as a topping. A few bits of waffles with strawberry syrup will be an ideal snack.
  • Bananas: A few slices of bananas can be a good topping.
  • Apples: Apple with maple syrup is good for pups. In comparison, only maple syrup is full of sugar. So, don’t use maple syrup only as toppings for waffles. Add a few pieces of fresh apples.
  • Blueberries: Blueberries are also good for your puppy’s health. So, top your waffle with it and give it to your pup.

The fruits mentioned above are healthy for your puppy. However, be sure to give waffles as a treat or snack once a month. Also, keep an eye on your pup’s health after providing waffles.

These fruits are high in fiber, minerals, and vitamins.

Simultaneously, don’t use the below toppings over waffles when providing to your pup,

  • Artificial sweeteners
  • Raisins
  • Avocado
  • Grapes
  • Chocolate

What if your Puppy has eaten too many waffles accidentally?

You must have understood already that too many waffles are unhealthy for pups. So, it is better to keep waffles away from your puppy. However, what if your pup has eaten too many waffles unwantedly? Should you run to a vet?

Well, it depends on what toppings were used on the waffles.

If your pup ate too many home-made waffles and you used safe fruits as the toppings, there is nothing to worry about.

On the other hand, the situation could be dangerous if the waffle is store-bought and has harmful toppings like chocolate or avocado. In this case, I recommend visiting a vet as soon as possible. A vet will suggest proper treatment for your pup.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How Many Waffles Can a Puppy Eat?

As you have understood from the above discussions, too many waffles can let your pup gain weight. Also, waffles can’t fulfill your pup’s nutrient requirements. You can only give your pup 2 or 3 pieces of waffle as a snack or treat once a month.

Can Puppies eat Potato Waffles?

Potato waffles are prepared with smashed or baked potatoes. This is also not a healthy treat for puppies. For this reason, the same caution needs to be followed.

Can Pup eat waffle cones?

Waffle cones are also similar to waffles. Since waffle cones don’t have any nutritional benefits, you should avoid providing them to your pup regularly. Only consider giving it as a treat or snack.

Can Pup eat Eggo waffles?

Eggo waffles ingredients are safe for pups. However, those ingredients don’t offer any nutritional benefits. So, providing your pup with other nutritional foods is better than Eggo waffles. Hence, Eggo waffles are safe; give them to your pup infrequently. 

What About Frozen Waffles?

Frozen waffles are harmful to pups. They are full of artificial additives and preservatives, which can cause your puppy digestive issues and dental problems specially during teething period. Almost all of the waffles contain sugar, letting your pup gain unnecessary weight.


So, you got the answer: can puppies eat waffles? The question raises considerations regarding the dietary needs and safety of puppies. Although waffles are little to no harmful but have fewer nutrients in them.

While waffles may be a tempting treat for humans, they are not appropriate for puppies. Puppies have specific nutritional requirements for a balanced diet per their age and breed. 

Waffles are typically high in sugar, unhealthy fats, and other ingredients that can harm puppies’ digestive systems. 

It is crucial to prioritize the health and well-being of puppies by providing them with appropriate and veterinarian-approved nutrition to ensure their growth and development.

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