Can Puppies and Kittens Live Together?

Puppies or kittens? It’s hard to decide right? You know one time I ended up adopting none of them because I was too confused to decide which one to adopt.

I bet you get confused too. How about getting puppies and kittens together? Sounds exciting, no?

But can puppies and kittens live together? Let’s find that out and let me help you to adopt them sooner!

Can Puppies and Kittens Live Together?

Can Puppies and Kittens Live Together

YES! Puppies and kittens can certainly live together. In fact, they can grow an excellent friendship.

Although to make sure your puppies and kittens live together happily, you need to be there and make it happen. Since they are different than each other, it is important that you help them to get along.

What’s the Best Time to Adopt Puppies and Kittens Together?

The first thing that you need to keep in mind while you think of adopting puppies and kittens together is their age. The best time to adopt puppies and kittens together is when they are not more than 8 weeks old.

The reason why you need to adopt them at a young age is that they can grow a good bond with other animals when they are younger. The young age is appropriate to teach them socializing. Getting older puppies and kittens can make it harder for you to make them get along.

However, you should adopt puppies and kittens together when they are at least 6 weeks old. Puppies and kittens, that are younger than 6 weeks old are risky to be handled only by human beings as they remain vulnerable then.

So if you want to adopt puppies and kittens together, you should do it while they are aged between 6-8 weeks. It will help you to handle them well as well as help them to be with each other mutually.

Best Breeds of Puppies and Kittens that Coexists Well

The easiest way of being stress-free while getting puppies and kittens together is by getting breeds of puppies and kittens that coexist well. It makes an owner’s job effortless.

There are some puppy breeds that coexist with kittens very well as they are playful, patient, loyal, and kind. However, the traits truly depend on each individual puppy. But here are some breed names you can look into.

Some puppies that coexist well with kittens are golden retrievers, pug puppies, basset hounds, poodles, beagles, etc.

When some kittens grow up they can become the most sassy creature you have ever seen who does not like to socialize. But some kittens are quite friendly with puppies. Even though they can be a little distant but yet would get along well with the whole family.

They can be loving, playful, and entertainer. Some breeds of kittens that are dog-loving are Birmans, Siberian kittens, maine coon, Japanese bobtails, etc.

Do Puppies and Kittens Fight with Each Other While Living Together?

Well yes, puppies and kittens might fight with each other while living together. Since puppies and kittens are two absolutely different animals, it would be weird if they did not find it uncomfortable to get along with each other at first.

The fighting or the competition might start when you first introduce them. If they already trust you and have become close to you, the reason for the fight could be jealousy too. It’s natural that puppies and kittens will fight with each other until they believe that their home is safe and secure for them.

When you witness your puppies and kittens fighting, you must separate them right away. To separate them, you can use loud noise like banging something or clapping. After distracting them, take them to different rooms.

Give them space and provide them with toys to stay distracted. You should never force puppies and kittens to get along. Train them properly and give them enough time to realize that they are in safe hands.

How to Make Puppies and Kittens Get Along?

Supervision is a very important tool to help your puppies and kittens to get along. You should not just adopt puppies and kittens and wish that they get comfortable with each other by themselves.

To make your puppies and kittens get along, firstly, you should make sure they adjust to each other’s smell. Make sure to keep them in different rooms at the beginning so that they can get used to each other’s scent.

Then, introduce them slowly. Be there while they are interacting. You should encourage them to behave well. Treat them each time they behave politely to keep the politeness sustained.

You must give them separate spaces to live. Their litter box should be separate too. Also, you should keep their food and water separately. If you are thinking about getting them toys, buy them for both.

Lastly, you should understand that they might need time to adjust to each other. So be patient and give them time to get along. Puppies and kittens normally take a few days to get along. However, it can be expanded to a few weeks too.

Maintaining Meals of Puppies and Kittens Together

Maintaining meals for puppies and kittens together can get challenging sometimes. The reasons for this are because they might get competitive or they might want each other’s food. The competition and eating each other’s food, both cause trouble.

Just like puppies’ foods are designed keeping their digestive system and need for nutrition in mind, the same way, kittens’ foods are designed keeping their digestive system and need for nutrition in mind too. This is why eating each other’s food might cause them a bad stomach.

However, puppies and kittens both need to be fed three times a day. You should feed them in separate spaces. Their food and water should be provided as far as you can keep them. It will reduce their tendency to compete and eat each other’s food. When they are eating, supervise them.

By doing this, most puppies and kittens eat peacefully. But if you still notice chaos, you can provide meals in different rooms too.


Now, are you still wondering if puppies and kittens can live together? I hope not! Puppies and kittens can make great friends when they get along well. They can uplift your home’s environment too.

So don’t worry and adopt puppies and kittens whenever you’re ready and fill your home with furry friends.

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