Should I Wake My Puppy Up to Eat? Proper Guide

Twenty hours of sleeping all day long are standard for newborn pups to mature as they gain 14% of weight daily. It is natural to have a question in mind: should I wake my puppy up to eat?

The answer is a big “No.” A puppy generally loves to sleep at least 20 hours. Waking them up while sleeping might disrupt their physical development. Some experts insist it may have serious consequences. You should maintain the golden rules about a puppy “Let it sleep as much as it likes.”

Puppies are usually used to sleeping 90% of the time. Besides, some things may affect the normal sleeping cycle of the puppies that require more attention. Let’s learn from here.

Should I Wake My Puppy Up to Eat?

Should I Wake My Puppy Up to Eat

It depends on the age and physical condition of the puppy. The ridiculous fact is that the puppy used to sleep 13 hours more than humans (humans need to sleep 6–7 hours a day), which might surprise you.

Then, the rest keeps itself busy with playing or doing other things. It might sound strange to the new owners.

But sometimes it may wake up on its own due to becoming hungry. This is why the sleeping time of the puppy varies and depends on the situation. You can’t predict them at all. Therefore, it would be better to let them fall asleep independently. Keep yourself away from awakening the puppy.

Again, experts didn’t advise waking a sleeping puppy unless necessary. Puppies generally need a lot of sleep, and interrupting their sleep can harm their health and well-being. Puppies can sleep at least 18–20 hours daily, which is crucial for their growth and development.

If you need to wake your puppy for a specific reason, such as to take them outside for a bathroom break or to go to the vet, try to do so gently and without startling them. Give them a few moments to wake up and adjust before moving them.

It is also essential to establish a consistent sleep schedule for your puppy so that they can develop healthy sleep habits. Overall, it is best to let your puppy sleep when they are sleeping and only wake them when necessary.

Is It Possible to Discipline the Puppy to Reduce Its Sleeping Duration?

Before looking for a way or solution, you must have given attention to making the puppy disciplined. It is possible to decrease a large amount of sleeping behavior in pups. If not, then go.

Nevertheless, disciplining the puppy in your strict routine is the quickest solution to reduce their excessive sleeping time. Convey a whole way that enables your puppy to maintain its regular activities. You should schedule your performance on the:

  • When to give it a meal,
  • When did you take a nap,
  • When to play and when to take potty etc.

Remember that a well-potty-trained pup will always sleep at the indicated time you scheduled. You can train it according to your will. Moreover, it is far easier to recognize when your puppy will be playing, potty, and sleeping than wondering.

Doing such things will also help you to get rid of excessive anxiety. Besides, you can nurture them more cautiously than before. It becomes far easier to do and observe the puppies’ condition and activities now.

Treat The Pups According to their Age Before Awake them from Sleep

Treating the pups according to their age is more important before you try to wake them up. When the period of puppies is under 10 weeks, it requires a meal 3–4 times a day. After that, the puppy will take a nap for a break.

Eventually, when they get older, they begin to take two meals a day. Then, you’ll notice that the duration of taking a rest or nap gradually becomes minimized.

You must wait for the little fur balls to adapt to the environment. The treatment process is different in both grown and under-grown pups. An old, mature dog takes fewer naps than a puppy. Puppy used to wake up in the morning too early and sleep for night long.

When to Wake Up a Pup While It Is Sleeping?

If you’re still confused about the matter? Let’s learn when it is good to do that.

  • Wake the puppy up if it is starving all day and doesn’t come to you for a meal.
  • Inspect the physical condition of the puppy and record its sleeping time. If you notice anything fishy, then wake it up from sleep.
  • Puppies should only spend all night taking their dinner. Therefore, if it is missing the dinner or disinterested in taking it, wake it up.
  • Puppies require 3 times meals per day. In case you miss any of them, wake them up immediately. Giving an unscheduled meal is terrific for their body and weight. You should be conscious of it. Otherwise, it could impact on the overall health of the puppy.

What to Do to Reduce the Day-Long Sleeping Time in Puppies?

Now, let’s talk about some strategies you can use to reduce your puppy’s excessive sleeping:

1.      Increase Activity Levels:

Your puppy may be sleeping excessively because they are not getting enough exercise or playtime. Walk your puppy or play with them more often during the day to increase their activity level. It will help them burn off excess energy and keep them alert and engaged.

2.      Stick to a Routine:

Dogs thrive on routine, so establish a regular schedule for your puppy, including set times for meals, playtime, and sleep. It prevents anxiety and promotes healthy sleep habits by telling them what to expect.

3.      Limit Naps:

While puppies need more sleep than adult dogs, it’s essential to avoid letting them nap excessively during the day, as this can disrupt their nighttime sleep schedule. Avoid letting your puppy rest within two hours of bedtime, and limit naps to no more than two hours.

4.      Provide a Comfortable Sleep Environment:

If your puppy sleeps in a crate or dog bed, ensure it is comfortable and cozy. Better sleep will be promoted by feeling secure and relaxed.

5.      Consult with Your Vet:

A vet may rule out any underlying health issues causing your puppy’s excessive sleeping if it persists despite these strategies.


Do Puppies Require to Eat Right While They’re Waking Up from Sleep?

There is no right time when you should give the puppy to eat. It varies on the age of the pups and the routine you follow. Meanwhile, feeding the puppy in the morning when you get up from bed is best.

Is It Ok to Wake the Puppy Up Abruptly?

Waking up the sleeping pups abruptly might not be well for both body and brain. Even though disturbing a puppy during sleep can result in serious health issues, instead of waking it up abruptly, try to maintain a schedule to give it meals, potty breaks, and baths occasionally.

Should I Wake a Sleepy Newborn Puppy to Feed?

Anyone should give up this kind of behavior. Waking a sleepy newborn from their sleep forcefully isn’t a good idea. It might disturb their mental condition. Little pups habitually come to their owner when they feel hungry.

How Long Can a Puppy Sleep Without Taking Its Meal?

Most puppies, even older dogs, don’t have excess fat reserves. That means puppies go 12 hours at maximum without taking their meal. Besides, you must give them sufficient water with food since they’re very susceptible to dehydration.

Why Should I Never Wake Up a Sleeping Puppy?

You should not wake a sleeping puppy as it may disturb its deep sleep and physical growth. Even though they might bite you accidentally, it is not valid for the friendly pups.


Sleeping is a natural process that magically works in puppies to develop their bodies and souls. It becomes healthier and more fit after having a sound sleep.

Therefore, I advise you to stop thinking like a fool. Should I wake my puppy up to eat? Try to avoid waking them up while they’re in deep sleep. But if it sleeps more than usual, don’t hesitate to take it to the vet.

Remember that puppies at 2–4 weeks will fall asleep 90% of the time. It is because that time (puppies) are in their neonatal phase (REM).

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